Sunday, April 1, 2007


past few days had been interesting..and unexpected..i feel happy n worry at the same time..
yesterday me and her ,along with ujang and mira when for a movie at mp.i spend my time with her as there is no one else in my life.she's like an angel thru my eyes..and yesterday is the day we walk holding hands together.I felt happy that she finally show me some love.I'm in love again

but the feelings quickly subside when she told me that next 2 weeks,one of her friend is coming to melaka and asking her out.I'm kind of wondering who could this person be..she trying to keep quiet as possible about this guy..then the past questions about her rose in my mind again...

right now all I want is she to be faithful..and honest that she love me and only me...

and for my part...I'm trying to think positive..and lay my trust on her..for the time being..

I pray that you will not do anything that will break my heart again,my love...because you're the only one that I love now..